What's new inside CreateStudio


New Blending Modes

You can now blend any object with the underlying elements to create great-looking effects. (Make sure to watch the video to see some cool use cases).


Improved Green Screen Removal

We've introduced a new way to make your greenscreen edits much cleaner using a new soften edges control.


Set Up Custom Resolution Inside the Editor  

We've added the option to set custom dimensions inside the editor.


Resize Multiple Tracks At The Same Time  

You can now resize multiple tracks at the same time.


Control The Border Radius Of The Rectangle Shape

We've added a setting to control the corner radius of rectangle shapes that work much better even after resizing.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue preventing the camera mode to be correctly enabled/disabled.
Fixed an issue happening when duplicating masked tracks.
Fixed an issue happening when dragging multiple masked tracks.
Fixed an issue that prevented the project duration to be updated when replaced a video.

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